Our Service Areas
Victoria Lifeline is available in over 350 Manitoba communities, installed and serviced by an amazing network of Senior Service Providers who live and work in your community.
Manitoba’s #1 medical alert service, Victoria Lifeline is trusted by thousands of people across the province to help them lead safe, independent lives.
Scroll through our service areas in Manitoba to find a town near you and call our
toll-free number 1-888-722-5222 to get started today.
Albert Beach Alexander Algar Altamont Altona Amaranth Angusville Anola Arden Argyle Arnaud Arrow River Aubigny Austin Bagot Baldur Balmoral Basswood Beausejour Belair Belleview Belmont Bethany Betula Lake Beulah Binscarth Birds Hill Birnie Birtle Bissett Blumenort Boissevain Brandon Brandon Junction Broadvalley Brokenhead Brookdale Broomhill Brunkild Bruxelles Buffalo Point Cameron Canupawakpa Reserve (Pipestone) Carberry Cardale Carrick Carroll Cartier Cartwright Chatfield Chortitz Clanwilliam Cloverlead Cooks Creek Cottonwood Coulter Crandall Cranmer Cromer Crystal City Cypress River Dacotah Dallas Dand Deleau Deloraine Denbow Domain Dominion City Douglas Du Frost Dufresne Dugald Dunrea East Braintree East St. Paul Eden Edrans Elgin Elie Elkhorn Elma Elphinstone Elva Emerson Erickson Fairfax Fannystelle Fisher Branch Fisher River Forest Fort Alexander Glenn | Foxwarren Franklin Gardenton Garson Giroux Gladstone Glass Glenboro Glenella Glenlea Goodland Grand Marais Grand Point Great Falls Green Ridge Greenland Gregg Gretna Griswold Grosse Isle Grunthal Gunton Hadashville Hallboro Hamiota Harding Hargrave Harmsworth Harte Hartney Hayfield Hazelridge Headingley Heaslip Hillside Beach Hochstadt Hoctor Hodgson Holland Holmfield Howden Hughes Hummerson Ile Des Chenes Ingelow Inglis Inwood Katime Kelwood Kemney Kenton Killarney Kirkella Kleefeld Komarno Kola Koostatak La Broquerie La Salle Lac Du Bonnet Lake Metigoshe Lakeland Landmark Landseer Langruth Lauder Lavenham Leighton Lena Lenore Lester Beach Letellier Lewis Little Black River First Nations Lorette Lowe Farm Lundar Lyleton MacGregor Malonton Manitou Marchand Margaret Mariapolis Marquette Mayfield McCauley Mcmunn Meadows Medika Medora | Melbourne Melita Menisino Menteith Mentmore Methven Miami Middlebro Miniota Minnedosa Minto Mitchell Molson Morden Morris Mountainside Mud Falls Muir Napinka Narcisse Neepawa Nesbitt New Bothwell Newdale Newstead Ninette Ninga Niverville Notre Dame de Lourdes Nutimik Lake Oak Bluff Oak Lake Oak Point Oak River Oakbank Oakburn Oberon O'Hanly Olgivie Onah Onanole Otterburne Overstoneville Pansy Peguis Petersfield Pierson Pilot Mound Pinawa Pine Falls Pineridge Piney Pipestone Pleasant Plum Coulee Plumas Pointe Du Bois Poplarfield Powerview Prawda Ralston Randolph Rapid City Rathwell Regent Reinfeld Rennie Reston Rhodes Richer Ridgeville Riding Mountain Riverhills RM/Springfield Rose Roseau River Rosebank Roseisle Rosenfeld Rosenort Rosewood Ross Rossendale Rosser Rossnurn Rounthwaite Routledge Russell Sandford Sandilands Sandy Lake | Sarto Schantzenfeld Schwitzer Seddon's Corner Seven Sisters Shelley Shellmouth Shilo Shoal Lake Sidney Silver Creek Silver Falls Silverton Sinclair Sioux Valley Solsgirth Somerset Souris South Junction Sprague Springstein Spruce Siding Spruce Woods St. Adolphe St. Alphonse St. Eustache St. Francois Xavier St. Genevieve St. Georges St. Germain St. Jean Baptiste St. Joseph St. Labre St. Laurent St. Lazare St. Leon St. Malo St. Pierre-Jolys Ste. Agathe Ste. Anne Ste. Rita Stead Steinbach Stephenville Stockton Stonewall Stony Mountain Strathchair Stuartburn Sundown Swan Lake Teulon Thompson Thornhill Tilston Tolstoi Tourond Traverse Bay Treherne Twin Beaches Two Creeks Tyndall Vassar Victor Victoria Beach Virden Vista Vita Vivian Wakopa Waldersee Wallace Warren Wasagaming Waskada Wattsview Wawanesa Wellwood West St. Paul Westbourne Wheatland Whitemouth Whitewater Winkler Winnipeg Woodlands Woodmore Woodridge Woodside |
Albert Beach | Melbourne |