Recommended by thousands of healthcare professionals right here in Manitoba.
Offering in-person service, quick response, and hands-on support.
As a service of the Victoria Hospital Foundation, we are seamlessly integrated into the healthcare system, with a vast network of professionals who frequently refer to our program.
The Stats Are In!
Victoria Lifeline answered 131,629 button presses and resolved 40% of help-needed calls without calling EMS. Our industry-leading fall detection button also detected 705 falls, that's 705 potential lives saved! Here is a snapshot, highlighting our positive impact on our clients and the healthcare system as a whole.
Manitoba's leading medical alarm service.
We're there for every step.
"It's important that someone comes and installs the equipment, that the device isn't just mailed to them. Seniors need relationships and human voices."
- Geriatric Nurse Specialist
Victoria Lifeline Offers Important Services For Patients
Apart Of Manitoba Healthcare
A medical alert service that is part of a hospital foundation and integrated into the healthcare system. Local support means better service for your patients.
Personalized Service
A local Home Service Representative will install the equipment and demonstrate how it works.
Safer Option
The ability to answer an incoming call by pressing the Personal Help Button, so patients don’t risk a fall rushing to the phone.
Self-identifies When Servicing Is Required
If the battery needs replacing in the button for example, the Response Centre will receive a low-battery signal and we will call the client to schedule a service appointment.
Advanced Fall Detection Technology.
Designed to call for help automatically if a fall is detected and your patient is injured, immobilized or unconscious.*
24/7 Response Centre Support
A 24/7 Response Centre that can quickly answer a help call in multiple languages. The Response Centre has access to a language bank and can respond in over 120 languages.
A waterproof button for patients to wear in the bath or shower, a common place for household slips and falls.
Effective Emergency Support
A response protocol that ensures a call isn’t closed until help arrives in the client’s home. Your patients are never left wondering if help is coming when they need it the most.