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Is it time

for a personal alert button?

Assessment Quiz

Find out if it’s the right time to consider getting a personal alert button by answering the following 8 questions.

Begin Assessment.

Two Older Adults taking the assessment quiz
* 1. Are you considering the service for yourself or a loved one/friend?
* 2. Are you alone for several hours during the day or night? Does your loved one spend time alone for several hours a day/and or night?
* 3. In the past year have you had a fall or been anxious about falling at home? In the past year has your loved one /friend had a fall, or felt anxious about falling?
* 4. Have you been hospitalized, or been to the emergency room, in the past year? Has your loved one/friend been hospitalized or been to the emergency room in the last year?
* 5. Are you living with at least one chronic health condition, such as:
  • Heart Failure (CHF)
  • Stroke
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Arthritis
Is this person living with a chronic health condition such as:
  • Heart failure (CHF)
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
* 6. Do you use a cane, walker, wheelchair, or other assistive device to help with balance or walking? Does you loved one/friend use a cane, walker, wheelchair or any other assistive device to help with balance or walking?
* 7. Are you required to take several medications a day? Does this person take several daily medications?
* 8. Do you require assistance with at least one of the following daily activities?
  • Bathing
  • Toileting
  • Dressing
  • Grooming
  • Eating
  • Meal Preparation
Does your loved one/friend require assistance with at least one of the following daily activities?
  • Bathing
  • Toileting
  • Dressing
  • Grooming
  • Eating
  • Meal Preparation
* 9. Is it important for you to continue living independently? As a caregiver, is it becoming difficult for you to find the time you need for yourself?

You've answered "Yes" to #yesAnswers# out of #totalYesNoQuestions# questions. A personal alert button might not be required immediately, but the need should be re-evaluated as time goes on and the situation changes. In the mean time, take a moment to check out our healthy living blog for tips and tools that can support independent living. You can also download a free copy of our Senior Service Guide.

Healthy Living Blog

You've answered "Yes" to #yesAnswers# out of #totalYesNoQuestions# questions. A personal alert button might not be required immediately, but the need should be re-evaluated as time goes on and the situation changes. In the mean time, take a moment to check out our healthy living blog for tips and tools that can support independent living. You can also download a free copy of our Senior Service Guide.

Healthy Living Blog

You've answered "Yes" to #yesAnswers# out of #totalYesNoQuestions# questions. A personal alert button is likely to be recommended with some urgency by hospitals, doctors, nurses and professional caregivers in this situation.

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You've answered "Yes" to #yesAnswers# out of #totalYesNoQuestions# questions. Hospitals, doctors, nurses and professional caregivers might well advise that you consider a personal help button in this situation.

Get Started Today